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Serial Problem Solver

Developer since birth, working on everything from raw circuitry all the way up to the highest of high level programming languages, into web design, printing, and marketing. Manages 100+ mostly Linux servers, created distributed web apps hosted globally, built companies tech infrastructure from scratch on bare metal, worked with almost every language out there, and even written some of my own. Relaxation includes writing an operating system from scratch and embedded systems development, all with a side of style.Developer since birth, working on everything from raw circuitry all the way up to the highest of high level programming languages, into web design, printing, and marketing. Manages 100+ mostly Linux servers, created distributed web apps hosted globally, built companies tech infrastructure from scratch on bare metal, worked with almost every language out there, and even written some of my own. Relaxation includes writing an operating system from scratch and embedded systems development, all with a side of style.

