Eamonn's Blog

Interfaces are Everything

Interfaces are Everything If you work with me, you’ll have heard me say this a lot. It’s a phrase I stole from my dad - who, like any good programmer, I’m certain stole it from somewhere else. Th...

Creating a Redis-compatible highly distributed database

Redis-Compatible Distributed Databases So, I recently set out towards a goal: create CloudFlare’s Quicksilver. It is a highly replicated database that allows for exceedingly fast key-value lookups...

Automated Multi-Master Topology Negotiation

This one is going to be a little less coherent than usual. It’s just some general findings I’ve made, with respect to defining an automated multi-master architecture. Automated Multi-Master Topolo...

Oh, The Imagery!

Pre-note: This is an old article from when I headed Isoscribe. I’m reposting it here, because I thought it was somewhat cool. We’ve been working with image uploading Quite a lot, actually. It’s b...

Secondary Databases, or - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cache

Pre-note: This is an old article from when I headed Isoscribe. I’m reposting it here, because I thought it was somewhat cool. Isoscribe runs on several databases We have the primary database, in ...

A Technical Overview of the 737 MAX Failures

A technical overview of the 737 MAX failures Note: this is an older post from a previous blog of mine. If you see any linking errors, that’s why! Image Credit: Bloomberg This is not a “who did w...

How we Run Repetitive Tasks Without Dedicated Servers

Pre-note: This is an old article from when I headed Isoscribe. I’m reposting it here, because I thought it was somewhat cool. So, let me walk you through a problem We have various jobs that need ...

Handling a Distributed Stack Across Every Isoscribe Server

Pre-note: This is an old article from when I headed Isoscribe. I’m reposting it here, because I thought it was somewhat cool. Note: This article is out of date, now that we have moved to AWS. We’r...

oVirt. Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Upstream

Note: This post is an archive from the old demilleTech blog, and has been placed here “for old time’s sake” I decided to write this article after our recent migration to oVirt 4.2. Through our m...